8 Activities That Are Perfect for Spring Date Nights

After months of movie nights in and bundling up to go to dinner with your partner, it is time to refresh date night, and

How can I tell when to text and when to call?

"Sure sending a text is relatively painless, quick and comfortable, but will it land you a date?©iStockphoto.com/Mario13

A Step by Step Guide: Breaking Up When You Live Together

No sugar coating here, navigating a breakup while cohabiting is tough. But spoiler alert: you will live through it. Acc

Keep Your Relationship Off the Rocks: Tips From the Experts

"See these tips to get closer to your partner and keep your relationship off the rocks.Jupiterimages/Getty Images/Thinks

6 Tips for Spending Your First Holiday Season With Your Partner

It’s the most wonderful time of the year to share with your family and loved ones, and your partner is no exception. Spe

17 Unromantic Signs This Person Might Be ‘The One’

Everything from the classic love affair in Pride and Prejudice to the will-they-or-wont-they drama of Ross and Rachel te

I Often Catch My Partner Masturbating—Is This Normal? A Sex Therapist...

Masturbation is one of those topics often shied away from. The act is typically done in private, and it doesn’t often co

Thinking About Getting Engaged? Here’s How To Know if You’re Ready

Is it just my feed, or does it seem like everyone you know is getting engaged? Seeing countless engagement announcements

10 Questions to Ask on a Date

"Just getting the date is the first step. Knowing which questions to ask can lead to some very revealing answers.Allan D

6 Psychologist-Backed Ways To Move On After a Breakup

Source: Karolina Grabowska | PexelsIf you’ve ever wondered how to move on after a breakup and having gone through heart
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