How to Explain Football to Your Girlfriend

"Wouldn't it be great if she became a fan of the game?Brand X Pictures/ThinkstockThere are any number of reasons men cro

6 Things People in Successful Relationships Do After the Honeymoon Phase...

Source: @kayla_seah Ah, the honeymoon phase. Those early days in your relationship when all of their jokes are funny, o

The 8 Relationship Mistakes We’ve All Made—And What To Do Instead

Its complicated is more than a relationship status on Facebook or a really great Meryl Streep movie; its likely how weve

Are You Codependent or Do You Just Have Regular Emotional Needs?...

I have to admit: I’m often pretty codependent in my relationships. Sometimes I’ll decide to not speak up about something

9 Signs a Relationship Isn’t Right, Even if Nothing is “Wrong”

To state an obvious truth, breakups are hard. In my own experience, they can be even more difficult when you cant pinpoi

Sex Bucket List: 12 Ways to Get Frisky & Improve Your...

Whether you’re having sex with your wife, your boyfriend, your girlfriend, your best friend, someone you met on Tinder a

4 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Getting Married

Getting married is a big step (they don’t call it taking the plunge for nothing!). The person you choose as a life partn

Are You Being Love-Bombed? Here Are the Signs To Look Out...

I know what you’re thinking: Love bombing? Ugh, not another new dating term. Between ghosting, benching, orbiting, etc.,

Keep Your Relationship Off the Rocks: Tips From the Experts

"See these tips to get closer to your partner and keep your relationship off the rocks.Jupiterimages/Getty Images/Thinks

7 Common Mistakes Newlyweds Make

Whether your wedding was the day youve dreamed of (and made Pinterest boards for) since you were a little girl or a simp
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