Indigenous Values

The seasonal traditions of Indigenous Peoples are as diverse as the Indigenous cultures across Canada. At the heart of our beliefs, the care and wellness of the collective is given more credence than

Stress and Your Aging Parents

The holidays are a time for joy and celebration; however, there is often stress associated with these events, particularly for older adults, their families, and their caregivers. Increasing demands on

Grow Kids Who Grow Communities

One lesson we have collectively learned from the COVID-19 pandemic is the importance of strong support systems in getting us through tough times. The term doesn’t just refer to our friends and family,

A Sound Way to Get Your Zzz’s

You may not have heard this before, but if you’re looking for a natural way to achieve relaxation and promote sleep, listen up! Sound therapy has been found to relieve stress, pain, and tension and in

Ways to Conquer and Rise Above Stress During the Holidays

The holidays may be the most wonderful time of the year, yet they can also be among the most stressful. So many social and family obligations on top of day-to-day and work demands can make even the me

How Indigenous Wellness Rituals Challenge Western Views of Health

The smoke wafts over Greg Hopf as he holds a bowl of burnt sage. He takes a breath and exhales—exhaling more than just sacred smoke, but also negative energy. It’s an Indigenous wellness ritual that H

The Best Places to Practice Yoga in the US and Beyond

The ancient practice of yoga focuses on physical, mental, and spiritual health. Research shows that yoga is not only beneficial for relieving stress, it also improves balance, promotes healthier eatin

The Most Vegan and Vegetarian-Friendly Cities in the U.S.

Finding plant-based food options can be a challenge, even though the number of people adopting a meat-free diet has grown exponentially over the last decade. While some cities have not yet caught on t

Skill Building for Sustainability and Resilience

As a child, were you taught how to mend clothes or preserve food? What about how to garden and save seeds, or identify local flora and fauna? Unfortunately, many young people grow up without the oppor

Take Back Your Mornings

It’s 7 am, and your eyes open to the musical chimes of your phone alarm going off. You roll over to your bedside table, flopping your hand down on your phone, luckily stabbing the yellow STOP button i
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