Why is America One of the Only Industrialized Nations With No...

"Do you take the time to stop and read food labels?stockbyte/DCLThe LA Times documented a recent rally which occurred ou

Is My Black Cat a Bombay Cat?

"The Cat Fancier's Association describes the Bombay as a "patent leather kid with new penny eyes." Dmitry Serebryakov/TA

Do Picky Eaters Rule Your Mealtime?

Does your child only ever want to eat a few types of foods? Young children are notorious for their picky eating behaviours. Before you let the stress of mealtime get the best of you, consider these ti

Easy Guide to Makeup Primers

"In the same way primer on your wall lets the paint go on smoother, makeup primer lets your foundation go on more smooth

Time Management Toolkit for Families

There’s no way to perfectly organize your life so that everything goes off without a hitch. But there are some time-tested tricks you can use to set yourself up for success and increase the odds of th

Should You Always Bet On Black?

"Lots of people live in black clothes but don't be afraid to branch out to other colors. 100/Getty ImagesPressure-cooker

The Bravery of Pursuing Radical Self-Care

Society is experiencing a grand reckoning. After riding the rise and peak of hustle culture for the better part of the last century, mass resignations—prompted by a seemingly never-ending pandemic—rev

Is it OK for women to wear men’s fragrances?

"Some women simply prefer the spicier, earthier scents of men's fragrances.Hans Neleman/Digital Vision/Getty ImagesThe f

A Mindful Village

With academic, creative, and sports endeavours, kids’ lives today are often as busy as their parents’. Communities are realizing that it’s more important than ever not only to help kids find ways to m


What happens when a meat-loving father has his diet (and his morality) questioned by his animal-loving daughter? He gets a quick lesson in veganism.“There is one thing I would let myself have: gravy.
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