Ease Into Education

Ease Into EducationIf there’s one constant this year, it’s change. With another school year comes even more change, but you can help your family make a smooth transition with some planning and prepara

The Most Vegan and Vegetarian-Friendly Cities in the U.S.

Finding plant-based food options can be a challenge, even though the number of people adopting a meat-free diet has grown exponentially over the last decade. While some cities have not yet caught on t

Simplifying the School Search

In some communities, the options for kids’ schooling abound. From home-based to city-run, baby-signing to multilingual, along with specializations in music, art, sport, or yoga, how do parents make th

Top 10 Scents Used in Women’s Body Products

"Women will pay a lot to smell like a million bucks!Polka Dot/ThinkstockWhen it comes to women's body products, scent is

These families did the unthinkable

Who hasn’t fantasized about leaving it all behind and traveling abroad à la Eat Pray Love? For most of us, reality soon sets in: there are kids to care for, pets to feed, bills to pay. But for these g

Building Children’s Emotional Resilience Amid Uncertainty

Building Children's Emotional Resilience Amid UncertaintyFor parents facing uncertain school schedules, new ways of working and concerns about the health and safety of their families, life in a pandem

What Animal Can Hold Its Breath Longest?

"The loggerhead sea turtle can submerge and live on one breath for up to 10 hours if necessary. Amanda Nicholls/Stocktre

Why do teens lie?

"Every parent knows that lots of teens -- and younger kids, too -- lie to avoid punishment ("The dog ate my homework") o

10 Powerful Ways to Uplevel Your Life

It’s easy to get caught up in the present instead of looking to what we hope to accomplish in the future. Have you ever thought to yourself, “Maybe one day …?” Well, that day is closer than you think!

Kids Can Save Lives by Getting Active at Home

Kids Can Save Lives by Getting Active at HomeAs millions of people across the globe social distance and self-quarantine to help prevent further spread of the novel coronavirus, kids and families can h
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