Sunshine Activities

"Try making your own solar-powered oven.©2007 Publications International, Ltd.Sunshine activities for kids introduces th

How to Draw a Rabbit in 5 Steps

"Mammal Image Gallery Learn how to draw a rabbit in this article. Get easy step-by-step instructions and helpful diagram

What are the low-sodium seasonings, if they exist?

"Flavor packets are often big offenders, so add your own spice combo to make sure your food is safe from added sodium. S

How does mascara extend your lashes?

"How does mascara make your eyes pop?Sean Justice/Getty ImagesAsk a woman what makeup item she'd insist on taking to a d

Should your teen work?

"There are benefits, but also potential hazards, for teens who [url='575060']work[/url]. Parents should help their teen

What are logical consequences vs. natural consequences for teens?

"Natural consequences are the results of a person's words and actions. When teenagers experience the results of their ch

Lake Activities for Kids

"There's lots to do at the lake -- look for a nibble with this homemade fishing pole!Publications International, Ltd.Pac

Is it OK for women to wear men’s fragrances?

"Some women simply prefer the spicier, earthier scents of men's fragrances.Hans Neleman/Digital Vision/Getty ImagesThe f

Is it OK for men to wear women’s fragrances?

"Some women's fragrances smell great on men.Digital Vision/Getty ImagesOf course there's no crime in a man wearing women

Get Fresh Breath Now: Parsley and Mint

"Will an herbal tea give you fresh breath?Stockbyte/ThinkstockAre you going to end this meal with an up-close-and-person
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