14 Sneaky Offenders That Cause Weight Fluctuations

Stepping on the scale can be a stressful experience when you’re trying to lose weight (or even just maintain your

The #1 Trick For Doubling Your Weight-Loss Success

If you’re motivated to lose weight but can’t seem to get the number on your scale to budge, you might want to cons

The Long-Term Effects of Losing Weight, Even When You’re Young

When it comes to weight loss, many people set goals based on time frames — to lose one pound a week, for example o

What to Do When You Blow Your Calorie Budget

Lasting change starts with small, sustainable habits, like sipping on water throughout the day, cooking more at ho

8 Super Fun Board Games to Teach Kids About Money

If youre looking for board games you can use to teach kids about money at home and in the classroom, weve curated a list

How to Get Bikini Ready Fast: 10 Tips and Tricks That...

A holiday by the sun requires cute beach towels, lots of SPF and of course a few beautiful bikinis. If you’re not quite

7 Negative Thoughts That Sabotage Your Weight-Loss Goals

Setting a goal to lose weight and improve your nutrition habits is a great first step in the journey to getting he

7 Habits that Make OCD Worse & How to Cope

Imagine worrying whether or not you locked your door when you left home. While we all experience this concern from time

40 Simple & Delicious Pumpkin Seed Recipes to Try This Fall

Roasted pumpkin seeds are the epitome of fall. Not only are they the perfect snack on a cold-weather day, they’re also p

How to Get Over a Weight Loss Plateau: 7 Tips That...

Losing weight can be a serious struggle and if you feel like you’ve made progress and have now hit a plateau, it could b
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