The Truth About Meal Replacement Shakes for Weight Loss

Imagine this: You’re sitting at your desk between meetings, and you realize you’ve only got 10 minutes for lunch.

Guilt-Free Dessert: 36 Dark Chocolate Recipes for Weight Loss

Dessert and weight loss aren’t two words that typically go together, but with the right tips and recipes, can you make d

8 Workout Tweaks to Boost Weight Loss

When you’re trying to lose weight, exercise is an important part of the equation. Though most experts agree workin

The Long-Term Effects of Losing Weight, Even When You’re Young

When it comes to weight loss, many people set goals based on time frames — to lose one pound a week, for example o

7 Ways to Change Your Workouts After You’ve Reached Your Weight-Loss...

So, you’ve reached your weight loss goal. Now what? Well, maintaining your weight loss can be tricky. When it come

Should You Try Stoplight Foods For Weight Loss?

There are many ways you might decide what to eat when you’re trying to lose weight: You could read nutrition label

Why a Food Scale is Your Weight-Loss Secret Weapon

While it may not be as flashy as a fancy new activity tracker or workout gear, the food scale is a tried-and-true 

8 Small Changes to Improve Your Health This Summer

Now that the days are getting longer and the weather is getting warmer, it might be time to re-evaluate our health

Syndrome X: 15 Lifestyle and Diet Tips to Improve Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic syndrome is a serious health condition that puts you at greater risk for heart attack, stroke and other seriou

5 Lessons I’ve Learned Keeping Off a 70-Pound Weight Loss

Life these days looks a lot different than it did back in 2007. For starters, back then I was finishing up my fres
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