Who Put the Baby in the King Cake?
"King cake is made of rich brioche dough and covered in green, purple and gold sprinkles. Jenni Field/Flickr/(CC BY-NC-S
I Used My Chronotype Info to Revamp My Life: Here’s What...
"A book says living life according to your chronotype gets you closer to happiness and success. We check that out. VICTO
Are Meat Sweats a Real Thing?
"A big juicy burger will make you sweat more than a loaded potato, because protein is more difficult to break down than
How to Relieve Arthritis Pain Naturally: 10 Tips and Ideas
Arthritis is a degenerative condition that causes pain and inflammation in the joints. While pain comes and goes for som
Germapalooza: How to Keep Kitchen Sponges Clean
"Germs may be lurking in your trusty kitchen sponge, but you can take measures to kill the bacteria.iStockphoto/Thinksto
The Galveston Diet for Beginners: 8 Things to Eat and Avoid
Weight gain is common for middle-aged women, particularly around the time of menopause. The Galveston diet aims to rever
The Sarco Suicide Pod: Controversial or Compassionate?
"Dr. Philip Nitschke and design engineer Alexander Bannink present the Sarco suicide pod at a Toronto conference in Octo
12 Side Effects of Sleep Deprivation and How to Cope
Your mind and body certainly alarm you when you need more sleep. You might feel sluggish, unproductive, and cranky. Task
What to Expect During Perimenopause: 8 Things You Should Know
Perimenopause can be both challenging and exciting. It marks a big transition in a woman’s life. Being familiar with the
How to Maintain a Clean Cutting Board
"Your cutting board comes in contact with raw meat, dough and fresh produce on an almost daily basis.Jupiterimages/Think