4 Indoor Cardio Routines that Are More Effective and Fun than...
If the treadmill has you dreading your cardio time (did you know it was actually designed to be a torture device i
This Data Analyst Used Nutrition Insights From MyFitnessPal to Lose 143...
Welcome to MyFitnessPal’s Victory Stories series, where we share the accomplishments of real MyFitnessPal members!
Why We’re Changing the MyFitnessPal Color Palette — Again
Change is hard, especially when you’ve gotten used to something. Just take the review below from a MyFitnessPal me
The Pros and Cons of Drinking Coffee For Weight Loss
While the potential health benefits of coffee are well-known — sharper cognition, lower risk of developing chronic
A Look Inside the Mood-Boosting Adaptogen Trend
Adaptogens are natural substances, including herbs and mushrooms, that are thought to help the body cope with ment
3 Advanced Kettlebell Moves That Get Results
When it comes to getting fit, keeping it simple is always a safe bet, but adding more complex exercises to your ro
10 Ways to Boost Your Productivity While Walking
Walking has a host of mental and physical health benefits, however, with a hectic schedule, it can be tricky to se
How Fitness Pros Spend Their Recovery Days
Health guidelines suggest we should all be moving more and sitting less. Regular exercise, to the tune of 150 minu
The Simple Tool That Can Prevent Overeating
The ability to feel hunger and fullness is a quality we were each born with. Babies and little kids don’t need to
Macro-Friendly Holiday Meal Swaps
Think you can’t stay on track with your macros and eat a hearty holiday meal, too? Not true! The entire premise be