This Stay-at-Home-Mom Dropped 60 Pounds by Making Small Changes

Like many parents, Sarep Baggott struggled to find time for herself. As a mom to a 6-year-old boy and a 6-month-ol

Mark Tried Countless Diets Before Losing 100 Pounds With MyFitnessPal

Mark Gibson is no stranger to diets. Whole30, Atkins, South Beach, Nutrisystem — he’s tried them all. Gibson has s

Fall Back into Fitness Day 3: Interval Cardio and Core

For the third day of the Fall Back into Fitness, were doing higher-intensity interval training and standing core w

9 Habits to Supercharge Weight Loss the Right Way

Right now, advertisements for fad diets are everywhere, promising quick results if you overhaul your diet and take

Healthy for the Holidays Fitness Plan: Intervals

Welcome to Day 4: Healthy for the Holidays! Your Day 4 workout is a focused cardio and body-weight strength inter

How Much Brisk Walking Counteracts Being Sedentary?

It’s not uncommon for many people to sit for at least 8 hours every day, especially if you have a desk job and enj

5 Moves for a Stronger Back & Better Posture

Sitting at a desk all day, slouched in front of a computer, can wreak havoc on your body—especially your back and

Jenna Transformed Herself — and Now Helps Others do the Same

For the thousands of people in her Facebook group and visiting her website, Jenna Leveille is a motivating force f

The 21-Day Bodyweight Fitness Plan

The most challenging but important part about getting fit is committing to and starting a plan. Youre not alone if

How to Get Back on Track When You’ve Slipped

It can happen to anyone. One day you’re drinking green juice, hitting the gym and sleeping a full eight hours. The
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