The New Healthier You Fitness Plan, Day 3: Core

Welcome back to The New Healthier You Fitness Plan. On day 3 of each week, we’ll focus on conditioning the core. A

Walking, Running or Biking: Which Is Best For Weight Loss?

If you’re trying to lose weight, there are many options that can help you accomplish your goal. But all of them in

4 Ways to Make Dry January Better

After cocktail-filled Christmas parties and a New Year’s Eve spent doing champagne toasts, it’s no surprise “dry J

How to Avoid Mindless Eating

Mindless eating is something we all indulge in at one time or another, because … life! Being completely mindful an

11 Easy Nighttime Weight-Loss Hacks

Ask an expert or anyone, and they will agree there’s no secret fast track to long-term weight loss. It requires co

Healthy for the Holidays Fitness Plan: Flexibility

Welcome to Day 5: Healthy for the Holidays! Todays session is all about taking time to rejuvenate your body with

10 Reliable Weight-Loss Tactics to Try if You’re Not Losing Weight

It’s no secret losing weight in a healthy way takes time: Experts agree it’s safe to shed 1–2 pounds per week. How

8 Creative Non-Food Ways to Connect With Loved Ones This Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving’s a wonderful time to connect with family and friends, enjoy your favorite recipes, and start new tra

Here’s Exactly What To Do If You Only Have 15 Minutes...

A bodyweight workout is the perfect option when you’re short on time. It’s an anywhere, anytime type of routine: N

Your Guide to Virtual Workouts, Meditation and More

If you’re stuck at home, it’s easy to feel stressed or even depressed. And when those feelings hit, it’s common to
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