How to Reduce Stress and Relax Your Way Out of Chronic...

Pain like that in the lower back pain can creep up at the worst times in life. Maybe you’re stressed at work or ar

6 Beginners Guides for Workout Inspiration

Sometimes the hardest part of anything new is simply getting started. Beginning can be a daunting task. And that’s

5 Family-Friendly Walking Activities For More Steps

Walking can be a great way to burn calories, destress and improve overall health. It’s also an activity the whole

Yes, Your Alarm Clock Could Be Ruining Your Day

If you set an alarm each night before turning out the lights, take note: Waking up feeling refreshed and alert cou

Is a Faster Walking Pace the Key to Anti-Aging?

Walking has been shown to improve cardiovascular health, reduce stress, boost mood and help with weight loss. Howe

How Sue Lost 200 Pounds and Became a World-Class Athlete

For many people, losing weight becomes more difficult as we age. Sue Reynolds, a 66-year-old from Bloomington, Ind

9 Healthy Ways to Kickstart the New Year

Rather than skipping sleep or overindulging and spending January 1 lying in bed, opt for a healthier approach to r

The New Healthier You Fitness Plan, Day 4: Flexibility

Welcome back to The New Healthier You Fitness Plan. On day 4 of each week, we’ll focus on increased mobility. Lets

15 Stats on How the World Sleeps

You spend roughly 1/3 of your life asleep. Well, that’s provided you’re getting the recommended amount each night.

How to Get Your Steps When it’s Too Hot to Walk...

Its summertime in the Northern Hemisphere, which means the chance to spend more time outside. But for many people,
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