8 Natural Mood Boosters to Make You Happier and More Energized

Whether you woke up on the wrong side of the bed, or youre going through a particularly challenging time in your life th

8 Beginner Biohacking Tips for Women for Weight Loss and Health

Making significant improvements to your health and fitness can seem like an overwhelming task. However, biohacking is al

Weight Loss After Menopause: 14 Foods to Eat and Avoid

While the idea of bidding adieu to your period and all of the associated symptoms of PMS it causes may sound exciting, t

First Migraine-specific Drugs Show Promise in Studies

"Two new drugs specifically targeting migraine prevention could be available in 2018. Blake Sinclair/Getty ImagesNever h

8 Super Fun Board Games to Teach Kids About Money

If youre looking for board games you can use to teach kids about money at home and in the classroom, weve curated a list

Can the Change in Temperature Really Make You Sick?

"Does a change in temperature create the perfect recipe for cold and flu? Tatyana Tomsickova Photography/Getty ImagesRai

How to Get Rid of Varicose Veins: 9 Home Remedies That...

Have you noticed varicose veins starting to pop up? These swollen, enlarged veins usually appear on the legs and develop

Being a Tattoo Artist Is a Pain in the Neck —...

"Getting and giving a tattoo both cause physical discomfort, as seen at the HK Tattoo Convention in Hong Kong. Yeung Kwa

Giving Babies Eggs and Peanuts Can Lessen Allergy Risk, Study Finds

"Giving your baby peanuts and eggs can actually lessen the risk of him getting these allergies. Anna Pekunova/Getty Imag

Removing This Invasive Shrub’s Flowers Could Help Combat Malaria

"The Prosopis juliflora shrub, an invasive species in Africa, is a type of mesquite. Forest and Kim Starr/Flickr/CC BY 2
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