5 Ways to Reset Your Body Clock For Better Sleep

If the clock on the wall is telling you it’s time for bed, but you still feel wide awake, you might need to reset

Got Milk? It Might Depend on Whether It Came From a...

"Containers of soy, almond and cashew milk are displayed on a shelf at United Market on July 7, 2016 in San Rafael, Cali

How to Stop Being a Perfectionist: 10 Tips & Tricks that...

Perfectionism doesn’t make you feel perfect; it makes you feel inadequate Maria Shriver.While having high standards can

Age with Style and Grace

Age with Style and GraceAging may be inevitable, but with advancement in research and technology, there are plenty of ways you can slow, or even reverse, the hands of time to stay healthy and promote

Prepare for a Healthy Pregnancy

Prepare for a Healthy Pregnancy5 behaviors to help reduce the risk of birth defectsIf you are thinking about becoming pregnant, now is a perfect time to make a plan. There are steps you can take to in

Fitness Shouldn’t Be a Four-Letter Word

I dread workouts. Once I’m in, they aren’t so bad, but each day, five days per week, it’s a mental sweat for me just to convince myself to start a workout, and if I opt out, I feel guilty. Sound famil

Support Your Brain’s Natural Detox Processes

While we pay close attention to our body’s detox systems and work to support them through lifestyle choices, how many of us are thinking of detoxing our brains too? Here are some helpful detox tips to

A Well-Kept Secret to Successful Stress Reduction

Yoga, meditation, breathwork. There are lots of ways to cope with stress and anxiety. Sophrology, popular in parts

Why Are People Eating Activated Charcoal?

"Charcoal popsicle, anyone? Yes, activated charcoal is even making its way into frozen treats, but how factual are claim

Could a Hot Bath Have Gym-Worthy Heart Benefits?

Soaking in the bathtub does more than wash away stress. Hot baths have been associated with a host of health benef
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