How to Get More Deep Sleep Naturally: 8 Tips and Hacks 

Experiencing poor sleep can really throw off your entire day. Your eyelids feel heavy, napping sounds wonderful, and com

How to Stop Ruminating Thoughts: 9 Tips to Help You Stop...

We all go through periods of time in which we get stuck in our heads, worrying about something we feel little to no cont

Support Mental Health in Rural America

Support Mental Health in Rural AmericaThe value of sharing lived experiencesThroughout many parts of the country, an increased understanding of mental health has led to enhanced awareness of its impor

How Much of Aging Is in Our Control?

Age may just be a number, but it dictates so much of our lives, including milestones like driving, voting and reti

Weight Loss that Lasts: 16:8 Intermittent Fasting Tips for Beginners

16:8 intermittent fasting is a type of eating plan that requires you to cycle between periods of eating and fasting. It’

Yes, Your Alarm Clock Could Be Ruining Your Day

If you set an alarm each night before turning out the lights, take note: Waking up feeling refreshed and alert cou

Eat Clean in Less Time: 9 Lazy Meal Prep Tips for...

If youre looking for lazy meal prep tips for weight loss, this post is for you!We often hear people use the terms ‘meal

Managing Blurry Near Vision As You Age

Managing Blurry Near Vision As You AgeIf you find yourself using a brighter light to read, holding your favorite book at arm’s length, or squinting to see up close, you are not alone. Approximately 12

Ways to Lower Your Resting Heart Rate

There’s a great deal of attention paid to blood pressure readings — for good reason, considering it’s a major indi

Psychedelics Are Good for Neuroplasticity in Rats. What About Humans?

"This photo shows the effects of three psychedelics and a control on rat neurons. The control group is the top row. DOI,
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