12 Ways to Get Your Nature Fix Indoors

In addition to cabin fever, many people are experiencing nature withdrawal. It’s normal and natural to want to get

How to Create an At-Home Fitness Retreat

It’s likely we won’t be going on a typical vacation, let alone an organized fitness retreat, anytime soon. But sin

Why Hunger and Good Decision-Making Don’t Mix

A grumbling stomach could lead to poor choices — and we’re not just talking about eating one too many chocolates o

How to Turn Micro Habits Into Healthy Habits

As the calendar flips to a new year, many of us are thinking about living, eating and feeling better in the days a

Inflammation Basics and the Role of Diet and Exercise

You’ve probably heard of inflammation before. But could you describe what it is to someone else? “Inflammation is

Should You Get an Extra Hour of Sleep or a Workout?

You’re lying in bed, trying to decide what time to set your alarm for tomorrow. You could get a full seven hours o

8 Energizing Alternatives to Your Morning Coffee

With so many trendy functional beverages out there, people are ditching plain old java left and right. From drinks

Study Shows Coaching (in Class or With a Trainer) Lessens Depression

A slew of studies have found exercise has a profound impact on mood and, in cases of mild to moderate depression,

How to Find the Right Yoga Teacher

Today, there are so many teachers and styles of yoga, the odds of finding one you like are solid. The right teache

Cannabis and Your Workout

In 2020, a review of studies explored the effect of cannabidiol (CBD), the non-intoxicating cannabinoid derived from Cannabis sativa, on sports performance. Their conclusion? “Cannabis has been report
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