10 Exercises for Your Plantar Fascia

Connecting your heel to your toes, the plantar fascia is a ligament that supports the arch of your foot. When this tissue becomes injured or inflamed, it can lead to a condition called plantar fasciit

5 Nap Strategies You Need to Know

If you think a nap is a nap is a nap, we’ve got news for you. Naps vary in length, intensity and function. There a

5 Ways COVID-19 Could Have Hurt Your Relationship With Food —...

If your relationship with food has been, err, strained since COVID-19, you’re not alone. While it’s OK and normal

Yes, Acupuncture May Help Relieve Joint Pain and Aid Sleep

If you ask around, chances are you’ll find at least one person who swears by acupuncture. In fact, the technique,

11 Ways to Enjoy Yoga Even if You’re Not a “Yoga...

The mental and physical benefits of yoga are well-known. From more sound sleep to better flexibility and posture,

8 Reasons Handling Anxiety Is Critical For Your Health

With the stress of getting back to school and work during a global pandemic, statistics show anxiety is on the ris

5 Ways to Adjust Your Workout If You’re Dealing With Anxiety

In today’s world, stress and anxiety are high. It’s easy to understand why. “Dealing with a global pandemic is str

A Well-Kept Secret to Successful Stress Reduction

Yoga, meditation, breathwork. There are lots of ways to cope with stress and anxiety. Sophrology, popular in parts

Is Sleeping Naked Better For Your Health?

Before crawling under the covers tonight, should you think twice before putting on your favorite pajamas? One poll

How to Enhance Your Workouts With Virtual Reality

Just as technology has changed the way we work, consume content and keep in touch with our friends, tech-based inn
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