How to Balance Blood Sugar Naturally: 8 Tips that Help

Blood sugar levels can have a huge impact on your energy and mood. We’ve all experienced imbalanced blood sugar and we a

Why Generation Z Is So Stressed Out

"Former Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School students Jammal Lemy (L) and David Hogg, who survived the mass school shoot

11 Ways to Stop Hunger Cravings for Unhealthy Foods

If you want to know how to stop hunger cravings for unhealthy foods, youve come to the right place! There are many diffe

Bananas Might Be the World’s Perfect Workout Food

"A pair of running shoes, a banana and a bottle of water on a blanket before the start of the Boston Marathon. Bananas a

8 Beginner Biohacking Tips for Women for Weight Loss and Health

Making significant improvements to your health and fitness can seem like an overwhelming task. However, biohacking is al

CNN’s Sanjay Gupta on How Marijuana Can Break Opioid Addiction

"Cannabis plants grow in the greenhouse at Vireo Health's medical marijuana facility in New York State. New York's law a

How to Beat Menopause Insomnia: 7 Tips for Better Sleep

During menopause, hormones start to shift. And for many women in their late forties and early fifties, this could mean d

Time-restricted Eaters Lose Weight Even Without Changing Diet

"You can eat what you like (even this goofy pancake) and still lose weight, as long as you restrict your window of eatin

Why Are People Eating Activated Charcoal?

"Charcoal popsicle, anyone? Yes, activated charcoal is even making its way into frozen treats, but how factual are claim

Is Lectin-free the New Gluten-free?

"Grains and beans are high in lectins, until they're properly cooked. syolacan/Getty ImagesThree-time Grammy winning ar
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