The Many Health Benefits of Sunshine and Vitamin D

As the coronavirus pandemic stretches on, theres an understandable focus on boosting our immune systems in meaning

Can Apple Cider Vinegar Fix All Your Problems?

Spring cleaning isn’t just for closets. After months of cold weather and cravings for rich meals, our bodies deser

3 Better Numbers That Outweigh Your BMI

Body mass index (BMI) is a simple calculation of your weight divided by your height, a formula devised in the 1830

Science Says: Drink More Tea for a Healthier Heart

Next to water, tea is the most consumed beverage in the world. Data suggests global tea consumption is growing, an

Studies Show: Your Mindset Affects the Number on the Scale

When it comes to losing weight, mindset matters. Positive habits such as celebrating small successes, focusing on

5 Reasons Chicory Root Is More Than a Trend

Unless you’re a food manufacturer or dietitian, chicory is likely one of those ingredients you’re familiar with in

12 Ways to Stop Stress Eating

Reaching for food to calm down is an all-too-common coping mechanism, whether you’re dealing with world events, a

How Lack of Sleep Affects Junk Food Cravings

We all know the importance of getting a good night’s sleep regularly, but according to the CDC, 1/3 of adults don’

Less Phone Time Could Help You Lose Weight

Between checking email, texting, scrolling through social media feeds and watching viral videos, adults spend more

PCOS Diet 101: 21 Foods to Eat and Avoid with PCOS

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, or PCOS, is a condition that affects one out of 10 women. It can cause a wide variety of pr
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