How Men and Women Handle Stress Differently

If you’ve ever looked at your mom, dad or partner during a difficult situation and noticed inconsistencies in thei

The Link Between Sleep and a Strong Immune System

There are numerous strategies related to improving the function of your immune system, from eating healthy foods t

How to Trigger Your Stress Response Less

You may recognize this common experience: You get nervous or scared, your heart races, and your stomach drops. You

8 Surprising Benefits of Good Posture

Every kid has likely heard the order to “stand up straight,” but as adults, we don’t get that directive very often

Will These 5 Folk Remedies Really Help You Sleep?

If you routinely turn out the lights, crawl into bed and end up tossing and turning or staring at the ceiling, you

This Is the Quickest Way to Boost Your Mood

From hours at a desk to a weekend of binge watching Netflix, the average adult spends 6 1/2 hours per day sitting.

Saunas Promote Heart Health and Longevity, Science Says

If you’ve ever used a sauna, you know just a few minutes basking in dry heat can relax your muscles, open your lun

Ways to Lower Your Resting Heart Rate

There’s a great deal of attention paid to blood pressure readings — for good reason, considering it’s a major indi

Shaking Meditation: The New Way to Relieve Stress

Hang onto your meditation cushion because there’s nothing still about the newest meditation technique to reduce st

How Yoga Can Help Support Your Immune Power

Exercise is often linked to better immune function, since it provides effects like increasing your infection-fight
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