Against the Grain

When chatting with friends and family, we often misuse the term “gluten intolerance” to describe our gluten-related issues. This can lead to a fair amount of confusion and unsuccessful DIY treatments

4 Steps for Recovery and Daily Living After a Stroke

4 Steps for Recovery and Daily Living After a StrokeIn the weeks and months immediately following a stroke, an early rehabilitation program offers the best possible recovery outcomes. While each patie

5 Trends Pointing to More Americans Seeking Mental Health Care

5 Trends Pointing to More Americans Seeking Mental Health CareAs the COVID-19 pandemic has evolved, many Americans' mental health has been negatively impacted by new and increased pressures and worrie

Seniors: Get Your Flu Shot – It’s Important!

Seniors: Get Your Flu Shot - It's Important!Getting vaccinated for the flu is more important than ever. Not only will a flu shot help keep you and your family healthy, it can help reduce the strain on

Taking Steps to Prevent Falls

Taking Steps to Prevent FallsWhen you’re young, an injury from a fall may sideline you for a few days or weeks, but a full recovery is usually quick. As you get older, the consequences of falls can be

Can You Really Sweat Out a Hangover?

"Exercising after drinking won't do a thing to shorten your hangover. And it can leave you even more dehydrated. Image S

How Much of Aging Is in Our Control?

Age may just be a number, but it dictates so much of our lives, including milestones like driving, voting and reti

3 Steps to Protect Yourself from Medicare Fraud

3 Steps to Protect Yourself from Medicare FraudEvery day, Medicare fraud affects people with Medicare and their families across the U.S. – regardless of background – robbing them of hard-earned money

Excess Belly Fat Can Be Deadly But Is Easy to Lose

When it comes to reducing your risk of cardiovascular disease, whittling your waistline could be more important th

10 Signs You Need a Mental Health Day

We all experience short-term stress in our daily lives. This can result in an increased heart rate or butterflies in your stomach. However, when we’re consistently overwhelmed, it can manifest in seve
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