10 Healthy New Year’s Resolutions You’ll Keep This Time

New Year’s resolutions can sometimes be hard to keep, especially if our goals are too lofty or ambiguous. Whether those resolutions are big or small, most people struggle to commit to them long-term b

Inflammatory Facts about Heart Health

One of the most important recent discoveries in health is that inflammation is a crucial contributor to a surprising number of conditions—from the familiar ones such as rheumatoid arthritis to unexpec

10 Signs You Need a Mental Health Day

We all experience short-term stress in our daily lives. This can result in an increased heart rate or butterflies in your stomach. However, when we’re consistently overwhelmed, it can manifest in seve

10 Potential Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

People around the globe have been fasting—or choosing to abstain from eating and drinking—since ancient times. Today, the fad is back and as big as ever, but what’s all the fuss about? Intermittent fa

10 Stretches for Your Piriformis Muscle

The piriformis is an important muscle in helping to rotate your hip and turn your foot and leg outward. It’s a part of the muscle group referred to as the “lateral hip rotators.” When the piriformis m

Support Your Brain’s Natural Detox Processes

While we pay close attention to our body’s detox systems and work to support them through lifestyle choices, how many of us are thinking of detoxing our brains too? Here are some helpful detox tips to

Ladies, It’s Time for Some Toilet Talk

While women generally have an easier time talking about our health than do our male counterparts, one area in which we lag behind is being open about our digestive issues. A guy may “let one rip” and

5 Food Pairs That Can Save Your Heart

When it comes to heart health, food can be your best medicine. Protecting this vital organ goes beyond avoiding unhealthy foods. To slash your risk of heart woes, it’s also important to up your intake

Open-Hearted Health

Indeed, for too long in the Western scientific community, matters of the heart were kept separate from our physiological health. But, there’s an increasing awareness—one that many cultures have known

10 Amazing Health Benefits of Mushrooms

Whether added to a salad, soup, or stir-fry, or taken in supplement form, there are a myriad of ways to add mushrooms to your diet—and why not? In addition to mushrooms’ delicious taste, their polyphe
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