10 Potential Health Benefits of Goldenseal

Native to North America, goldenseal is a flowering perennial that gets its name from its bulbous yellow and brown roots. The plant has long been used as a natural remedy for treating wounds, digestive

Demystifying Menopause and Perimenopause

Menopause is so seldom talked about openly. Aside from some of the most common discomforts, menopause is often shrouded in mystery, and perimenopause even more so. This article aims to shine a light o

10 Health Benefits of Probiotics

There’s been a lot of buzz around the health benefits of probiotics in recent years. While it may seem too good to be true, those tiny micro-organisms really do have some remarkable healing properties

Against the Grain

When chatting with friends and family, we often misuse the term “gluten intolerance” to describe our gluten-related issues. This can lead to a fair amount of confusion and unsuccessful DIY treatments

Dumbbells and Chemo: Can We Beat Cancer with Exercise?

We’ve long known that regular physical activity lowers your risks of numerous types of cancer—in some cases, by up to 20 percent. But what about during and after your cancer treatment? The world’s lea

Avoid Seasonal Stress-Based Eating

You’ll never hear about it in any holiday song. Still, everyone knows that decking the halls can be as stressful as it’s supposed to be jolly. Just ask Joan Ifland, PhD, who believes that, for many, f

10 Exercises for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome can cause pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness in the wrists and hands. The condition is caused by compression of the median nerve in the wrists. Specific exercises may help r

Health Canada Increases the Limit for Vitamin D Supplements

Good news for vitamin D fans! Health Canada has recently increased the maximum dose allowed for non-prescription oral vitamin D supplements to 2,500 IU per day for adults. The change comes after calls

Tea Benefits to Support Rejuvenation

As a new season approaches, it’s common to turn our minds toward rejuvenation—detoxifying ourselves from what’s not serving us and refocusing on what nurtures us. Tea, both true tea—made from the tea

What Happens in the Gut … Goes All the Way to...

Next time you eat, be sure to load up on lots of colourful plant-based fibre-rich items—and then imagine the trajectory of that good food through your body. Here’s a hint: insoluble fibre in that food
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