Why would you put a smoothie in a bowl?

"What's the difference between a smoothie in a glass and a smoothie in a bowl? The bowl offers up the opportunity for a

7 Ways to Perk Up Boxed Cake Mix

"Boxed cake mix goes from ho-hum to yum with just a few simple additions that are probably already in the pantry. John E

Beyond Boxed Chocolate and Vanilla: 7 Wild and Delicious Birthday Cake...

"Think outside the cake mix box when choosing a cake flavor.Annabelle Breakey/Getty ImagesThe average American is expect

How to Serve Champagne

"Serving champagne in fluted glasses concentrates the flavors and boosts the flow of bubbles. See more wine pictures.©iS

8 Beginner Biohacking Tips for Women for Weight Loss and Health

Making significant improvements to your health and fitness can seem like an overwhelming task. However, biohacking is al

Who Put the Baby in the King Cake?

"King cake is made of rich brioche dough and covered in green, purple and gold sprinkles. Jenni Field/Flickr/(CC BY-NC-S

What’s All the Buzz About Manuka Honey? 

"Manuka honey is produced by bees who pollinate the flower of the Leptospermum scoparium, or manuka bush, a sprig of whi

The Galveston Diet for Beginners: 8 Things to Eat and Avoid

Weight gain is common for middle-aged women, particularly around the time of menopause. The Galveston diet aims to rever

It Took a Court to Decide Whether Pringles Are Potato Chips

"According to the high British courts, Pringles are most definitely potato chips. PixabayChances are, you probably have

21 Healthy Milkshake Recipes for Weight Loss that Hit the Spot!

Contrary to popular belief, clean eating doesnt mean you have to give up sweet treats for good. If youre looking for hea
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