What’s Better For Heart Health: Walking or Running?

Both walking and running are great for improving overall health, losing weight and boosting mental health. But whe

How a Parachuting Injury Almost Sent James into a Free Fall

Welcome to our “Moments of Will” series, where we’ll feature community members who have faced adversity on their h

Elliptical, StairMaster or Walking: Which Is Best For Weight Loss?

When it comes to moving your body regularly, cardiovascular activity is important. Not only does it assist with we

Katelyn Increased Her Calories and Lost 25 Pounds with MyFitnessPal

Welcome to MyFitnessPal’s Victory Stories series, where we share the accomplishments of real MyFitnessPal members!

3 10-Minute Walking Workouts That’ll Break Up Your Day

Short walks are a wonderful way to help break up the day, manage stress, boost your mood and aid weight loss. If y

6 Beginners Guides for Workout Inspiration

Sometimes the hardest part of anything new is simply getting started. Beginning can be a daunting task. And that’s

5 Family-Friendly Walking Activities For More Steps

Walking can be a great way to burn calories, destress and improve overall health. It’s also an activity the whole

Is a Faster Walking Pace the Key to Anti-Aging?

Walking has been shown to improve cardiovascular health, reduce stress, boost mood and help with weight loss. Howe

How Sue Lost 200 Pounds and Became a World-Class Athlete

For many people, losing weight becomes more difficult as we age. Sue Reynolds, a 66-year-old from Bloomington, Ind

9 Healthy Ways to Kickstart the New Year

Rather than skipping sleep or overindulging and spending January 1 lying in bed, opt for a healthier approach to r
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