This Single Mother Lost 130 Pounds While Balancing a Family and...

When Victoria Brady learned her son’s weight was in the 97th percentile for his age, she knew she had to make a ch

The Sugary Truth and the Downfall of Juice

Fruit juices have long been a beloved fixture in refrigerators and served at restaurants across the world. For yea

Ask the Dietitian: Is it Too Late to Eat After 8...

It’s common to hear the phrase “don’t eat after 8 p.m.” when you’re trying to lose weight. But when you think abou

6 Moves for a Stronger Upper Back

Gym-goers are notorious for only working the muscles they can see in the mirror. That’s a strength-training cardin

75 Ways to Walk More

We’re always looking to increase our step count because every step counts. As life gets more and more hectic towar

2-Week Power Walking Program to Build Fitness

The power of a good, brisk walk is a great starting point if you’re looking to improve your health. It offers nume

How Running Transformed Mark’s Mental and Physical Health

For most of his life, London-based IT specialist Mark Bush found his greatest comfort in food. In my 20s, I got in

The 4-Week Fitness Plan to Increase Strength: Day 10

Welcome to Day 10 of the four-week fitness plan to increase strength! Day 10 is the start of the fourth and final

4 Ways to Make Dry January Better

After cocktail-filled Christmas parties and a New Year’s Eve spent doing champagne toasts, it’s no surprise “dry J

The New Healthier You Fitness Plan, Day 4: Flexibility

Welcome back to The New Healthier You Fitness Plan. On day 4 of each week, we’ll focus on increased mobility. Lets
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