Rick Ditched Fast Food, Picked up Walking and Lost 215 Pounds

Change isn’t easy. Whether it’s moving across the country, changing careers or creating a new healthy habit, somet

3 Pushup Workouts for Any Fitness Level

Doing pushups from the floor can be a daunting task if you’re a beginner. On the other hand, regular pushups can b

How the COVID-19 Pandemic Prompted Mike to Lose 220 Pounds

While it would be an understatement to say 2020 was a bit tumultuous, there’s been a surprising silver lining to m

The 4-Week Fitness Plan to Increase Strength: Day 12

Welcome to Day 12 of the four-week fitness plan to increase strength — the final day of the plan! Congrats on maki

You’ve Never Tried a Core Workout Like This Before

Most gyms discourage you from throwing or dropping weights, but medicine balls (med balls for short) are designed

The Art of Making Goals That Stick (Any Time of Year)

Roughly a month into the new year and statistics say most resolutions are long forgotten. Most of us set goals hea

The 4-Week Fitness Plan to Increase Strength: Day 3

Welcome to Day 3 of the four-week fitness plan to increase strength! In just four short weeks, you’ll be on your w

9 Life-Changing Non-Scale Health & Fitness Goals

For so many people, the scale rules all. While the scale can be a useful tool in your health and fitness journey,

The 4-Week Fitness Plan to Increase Strength: Day 1

Creating a training, workout or exercise habit is no joke. Finding time to get to the gym and knowing where to sta

Jason’s 100-Pound Weight Loss Started with Getting Sober

Jason Urban’s journey to getting healthy started with one important step: getting sober. The now-39-year-old dog w
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