Healthy for the Holidays Fitness Plan: Cardio

Welcome to Day 1: Healthy for the Holidays! Todays workout is an indoor cardio session that doesnt require any eq

Say Hello to MyFitnessPal on Alexa

Hands-free riding your bike: You’re a daredevil. Hands-free driving your car: You’re an early-adopter. Hands-free

7 Feel-Good Practices to Hone in 2018

New Years resolutions tend to be about physical health — lose weight, eat healthier, stop smoking. Often overlooke

8 Treadmill Walking Mistakes to Avoid

There’s more to walking on a treadmill than, well, walking. To stay safe and get the most from your workout, avoid

Eating For Impact: How to Eat to Boost Your Mood

So far in our Eating for Impact series we’ve talked about Eating for Energy, Eating for Focus, and Eating for a Be

This U.K.-Based Dad Dropped 10 Pants Sizes After a Playground Wake-up...

When Ryan Tracey was playing with his toddler in 2019, he suddenly thought long into the future when he might have

Surefire Upgrades to 5 New Year’s Resolutions

Every year, about half the nation makes New Year’s resolutions. And every year, most of us don’t see those through

Is Wine Actually Good for You?

Water, tea and coffee are the world’s most consumed beverages, but alcohol isn’t far behind. A recent survey found

8 Tips to Make Leftovers Exciting

Leftovers are amazing. Truly. Maybe you have a blah history with them after being forced to eat dried-out chicken

Your Fail-Safe Walking Formula For Weight Loss

When it comes to movement, even small amounts of walking can have big benefits. Just five minutes can help you cou
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