Get Fitter with Our 7-Minute Medicine Ball Workout

This is a fun and quick workout that engages your entire body with seven easy exercises using a medicine ball, whi

Jenni Lost 80 Pounds After She Stopped Using Food for Comfort

As Jenni Buckingham grew up, she didn’t think much about her weight or health. As a normal kid who ate what she wa

Ultimate Grocery Guide: Low-Carb Diet

Whether it’s keto, low-carb Paleo, Atkins or some other version, carb-restricted diets are here to stay. No matter

Should You Choose a Long Walk Over a Short Run?

When looking to lose or maintain weight, exercise along with a healthy diet is an important part of the equation.

Lexi Lost 295 Pounds By Joining Forces With Her Husband

In many ways, Lexi Reeds Instagram and Twitter handle says it all: @FatGirlFedUp. When she began sharing her story

This Kind of Walking Boosts Mental Health, According to Science

There are so many reasons to love walking — it has a low barrier to entry, improves cardiovascular health, and can

7 Ways to Make Winter Walks More Enjoyable

There are numerous benefits to a winter walking routine: A brisk walk in chilly weather can get your heart pumping

5 Ways Walkers Can Strengthen Their Arms

Walking is a great total-body workout. But for those who specifically want better arm strength, it’s not always cl

Matt’s 10-Year MyFitnessPal Streak Helps Him Maintain a 130-Pound Weight Loss

In May 2010, Matt Aghedo was watching “The Biggest Loser” on TV. Weighing about 360 pounds at the time, he noted h

Quick Black Bean Chili Over Lime Couscous

Active time: 20 minutes Total time: 20 minutes Vegetarian and looking for a high-protein meal? Look no further tha
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