How Much Brisk Walking Counteracts Being Sedentary?

It’s not uncommon for many people to sit for at least 8 hours every day, especially if you have a desk job and enj

5 Moves for a Stronger Back & Better Posture

Sitting at a desk all day, slouched in front of a computer, can wreak havoc on your body—especially your back and

Jenna Transformed Herself — and Now Helps Others do the Same

For the thousands of people in her Facebook group and visiting her website, Jenna Leveille is a motivating force f

The 21-Day Bodyweight Fitness Plan

The most challenging but important part about getting fit is committing to and starting a plan. Youre not alone if

How to Get Back on Track When You’ve Slipped

It can happen to anyone. One day you’re drinking green juice, hitting the gym and sleeping a full eight hours. The

How to Dress for Warm Weather Walks and Runs

Walking or running in the heat can feel terrible — and near impossible to dress for. All that sweat? The potential

Which Store-Bought Coffee Creamer Is Healthiest

For me, coffee isn’t coffee without the perfect amount of sweetness and cream. And, over the last few years there’

Matt’s 10-Year MyFitnessPal Streak Helps Him Maintain a 130-Pound Weight Loss

In May 2010, Matt Aghedo was watching “The Biggest Loser” on TV. Weighing about 360 pounds at the time, he noted h

Lexi Lost 295 Pounds By Joining Forces With Her Husband

In many ways, Lexi Reeds Instagram and Twitter handle says it all: @FatGirlFedUp. When she began sharing her story

The 4-Week Fitness Plan to Increase Strength: Day 2

Welcome to Day 2 of the four-week fitness plan to increase strength! In just four short weeks, you’ll be on your w
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