Sean Lost 130 Pounds After a Lifetime of Bullying and Weight...

As far back as he could remember, Sean Mikhail was always the biggest kid in class, in both height and weight. Eve

How a Vacation Helped Charlotte Lose Half Her Body Weight

The city of Boston is a gorgeous sight on a warm, sunny spring day, particularly the area known as the Back Bay. T

What Happened When George Stopped Working Out “Like a Guy”

Welcome to our “Moments of Will” series, where we’ll feature community members who have faced adversity on their h

Science Shows Short Walks Can Minimize Sugar Cravings

If you’ve set a goal to cut down on sugary snacks and desserts, researchers suggest that walking just 15 minutes p

Healthy for the Holidays Fitness Plan: Cardio

Welcome to Day 1: Healthy for the Holidays! Todays workout is an indoor cardio session that doesnt require any eq

5 Reasons Walking Is Your Cross-Training Secret Weapon

Most people have a preferred form of movement, but from time-to-time, the body calls for a change. Cross-training,

How Stephen Went from Couch Potato to Bodybuilder

For some people, the shift from unhealthy habits to a better lifestyle might be kicked off by a photo, random comm

This 60-Year-Old Power Walker’s Next Goal: Another 3,100-Mile Race

It was love at first step for Yolanda Holder. Power walking had always been a part of this Californian’s fitness r

Prevention as the Best Medicine: Kristin’s Quest to Take Charge of...

Like many school teachers, Kristin Clinkenbeard loved her work teaching math to high school students. Unfortunatel

The Basics of Eating Before or After an Intense Walk

Knowing whether or not you should eat before a workout can be tricky — some believe eating a small bite provides e
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