The 21-Day Bodyweight Fitness Plan: Side Plank Series

Welcome back to the 21-Day Bodyweight Fitness Plan, your spark that will ignite a fitness habit. No equipment is n

Victoria Lost 100 Pounds in 1 Year with MyFitnessPal

On January 1, 2019, Victoria Feldt’s life changed. That was the fateful day she turned a New Year’s resolution — s

5-Minute Workout: Squat Variations

Our 5-minute workouts feature big-bang-for-your-buck exercises that work multiple muscle groups—some moves work th

How to Modify a Burpee

What is it about the burpee that makes us crazy? We love to hate them. We groan and roll our eyes when an instruct

The New Healthier You Fitness Plan, Day 3: Core

Welcome back to The New Healthier You Fitness Plan. On day 3 of each week, we’ll focus on conditioning the core. A

Walking, Running or Biking: Which Is Best For Weight Loss?

If you’re trying to lose weight, there are many options that can help you accomplish your goal. But all of them in

4 Ways to Make Dry January Better

After cocktail-filled Christmas parties and a New Year’s Eve spent doing champagne toasts, it’s no surprise “dry J

How to Avoid Mindless Eating

Mindless eating is something we all indulge in at one time or another, because … life! Being completely mindful an

Healthy for the Holidays Fitness Plan: Flexibility

Welcome to Day 5: Healthy for the Holidays! Todays session is all about taking time to rejuvenate your body with

Here’s Exactly What To Do If You Only Have 15 Minutes...

A bodyweight workout is the perfect option when you’re short on time. It’s an anywhere, anytime type of routine: N
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