Tips for Women Traveling in Central Asia

If you’ve never heard of Central Asia – or your knowledge of the region is limited to scanning the map to identify “the

How to Save the Rainforest: A Review of Amazon Burning

As a travel writer I love nothing more than being inspired to travel to a new destination. As a self-proclaimed eco warr

27 Spooky and Fun Halloween STEAM Projects For All Ages

Whether youre a parent or teacher, these Halloween STEAM projects for kids are a great way to keep children learning whi

Where did the idea for bankruptcy come from?

"Examination of a bankrupt man before his creditors in the Court of King's Bench, Guildhall, London, 1808.Guildhall Lib

A Wanderful Woman’s Guide to Edenton, North Carolina

Edenton, North Carolina, is known for its waterfront views, historic architecture and Southern hospitality. Most vacatio

5 Good Credit Card Habits To Add To Your Routine

Using a credit card can feel equal parts scary and convenient. The perks are great—they are a convenient payment method,

Travel with daughters: 3 Life Lessons that only travel can teach

I’m a father of two beautiful adult daughters ages 28 and 24. I feel the lessons they’ve learned and the life skills the

Laughable Languages: Funny Phonology, Strange Semantics, and Other Adventures in Foreign...

I should start this article by apologizing for the technical terms in the title. Now in my final semester as an underg

10 Common Parenting Mistakes To Avoid (And What To Do Instead) 

Raising a child is certainly no picnic. Indeed, it comes with many challenges and stressors, and tests your mental and p

How Seeing a Financial Planner Can Change Your Relationship

Every couple has that one topic that causes an argument whenever it gets brought up. For some, it’s trust or where they’
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