How Discretionary Income Works

"Discretionary income: It's what you have to spend, but don't need to spend. DragonImages/iStockphoto/ThinkStockFrom une

What You Can Do Now to Get the Most from the...

"Paying taxes is never fun, but how do you make sure you don't overpay? Nora Carol Photography/Getty ImagesJust a few da

Can I File Someone Else’s Taxes?

"If you’re willing to offer a helping hand to a friend at tax time, just make sure everyone’s clear about how it works a

Pros and Cons of a Cash-out Mortgage Refinance

"You can take out the equity in your home and use for just about anything with a cash-out mortgage refinance. John M Lun

Where did the idea for bankruptcy come from?

"Examination of a bankrupt man before his creditors in the Court of King's Bench, Guildhall, London, 1808.Guildhall Lib

5 Good Credit Card Habits To Add To Your Routine

Using a credit card can feel equal parts scary and convenient. The perks are great—they are a convenient payment method,

How Seeing a Financial Planner Can Change Your Relationship

Every couple has that one topic that causes an argument whenever it gets brought up. For some, it’s trust or where they’

Is It a Good Idea to Refinance Your Student Loans?

"Refinancing your students loans could save you thousands. But you need to do your homework to be sure it makes sense fo

Can the trustee sell your exempt assets in bankruptcy?

"When filing for bankruptcy, you have to know which assets you can keep and which ones are surrendered to creditors.Ste

33 of The Best 30-Day Fitness Challenges to Try This Year

If youre looking for 30-day fitness challenges to help you get back into a regular exercise routine, crush your weight l
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