9 Best Korean Skincare Routine Tips and Products for Glowing Skin

Adopting a Korean skincare routine is more than just a way to care for your skin, it has become a global sensation. This

Quick Tips: Can the sun cure acne?

"©Stockbyte/ThinkstockWhether you're an adult or a teen, chances are, you've dealt with acne at some point in your life.

How to Smooth Out Rough Skin on Your Face

"Exfoliating can help smooth out rough skin.©iStockphoto/ThinkstockRough, scaly, sandpaper-like skin is bad enough on th

Love Your Skin: 8 Aloe Vera Face Masks For a Clear...

If you’re on a mission to achieve healthy, glowing skin, aloe vera face masks are exactly what youre searching for. 100%

15 Best Blackhead Removal Mask Products and Treatments

Acne was a normal part of my teenage years, and I even struggled with bad skin into University (and beyond). I never got

6 Natural Remedies for Wrinkles to Make You Look Younger

No one loves looking in the mirror and seeing new wrinkles on their face. Wrinkles and fine lines are one of the most pr

Is it bad to remove chapped skin from around your nose...

"Don't pick (at) your nose!iStock/Thinkstock Snow is falling, hot chocolate is flowing...and your nose is running faster

Are at-home microdermabrasion products good for your skin?

"Once upon a time, not very long ago, microdermabrasion was a lavish treatment only available for a steep price at high-

Adult Acne? 16 Clear Skin Tips and Products Every Girl Needs...

Whether you experience occasional blemishes and breakouts due to hormonal changes and oily skin, or you suffer from full

Skincare First: 8 Best Moisturizers for Acne Prone Skin

Sensitive, acne-prone skin can be a serious struggle. As someone who has dealt with acne and breakouts my whole life, I
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