What can I do daily to reduce dark circles under my...
"Medioimages/Photodisc/Getty ImagesDCLSomehow, no matter how much sleep you get, you always look like you've pulled thre
How to Smooth Out Rough Skin on Your Face
"Exfoliating can help smooth out rough skin.©iStockphoto/ThinkstockRough, scaly, sandpaper-like skin is bad enough on th
Quick Tips: How important is organic face wash?
"Picking out beauty products can be tricky, especially with plenty of confusing claims on every bottle.©iStockphoto/Thin
Quick Tips: How Can Baking Soda Benefit the Skin On Your...
"Baking soda may be a cheap, easy way to cleanse and exfoliate your skin.©frannyanne/veer Could that box of baking soda
Quick Tips: Do skin-firming lotions really work?
"Some skin-firming lotions' claims may be overstated.iStockphoto.com/Andrey PastukhovSure we'd like to believe the claim
Quick Tips: Are petroleum-based face creams good for sensitive skin?
" iStock/ThinkstockKeeping skin hydrated and moisturized is important for all skin types, especially when the weather is
Quick Tips: Can organic facial cleansers work on acne?
"When it comes to buying organic skin-care products, remember: Just because something is made from plants doesn't mean t
Quick Tips: Will eating salmon make my skin look healthier?
"What's good for your body can also be good for your skin.Easy Home Cooking MagazineHealthy-looking skin starts from the
The Best and Worst Weather For Your Face
"Cold weather can help oily skin but may prove to be a problem for dry skin.Stockbyte/ThinkstockYou've probably noticed
Quick Tips: Should you wash your face with warm or cold...
"When it comes too washing your face, you should aim to use water that's not too hot or too cold.©Brand X Pictures/Think