Glow Up Challenge: 10 Ways to Transform Yourself in 30 Days

It’s hard to put yourself first, especially if you’re juggling a busy work schedule, social plans, kids and relationship

Will bangs make my forehead break out?

"I want bangs, but I'm worried they might make me break out. What should I do?ThinkstockYou've finally decided to take t

Invest in Your Skin: 8 Best Moisturizers for Dry Skin

Dealing with dry skin? We’ve got you covered. When you have dry skin, keeping your skin highly moisturized without it lo

Quick Tips: Can You Use Benzoyl Peroxide on Your Face?

"Before you dab benzoyl peroxide on your face or anywhere else on your body, there are a few things you should know.Dex

How to Look Different: 15 Ways to Change Your Look

New year, new you! If you’re feeling like you need to refresh your look, there are tons of surprisingly easy ways to cha

Is Shea Butter Food For Your Face?

"Shea butter can be a good moisturizer, when used on the body.iStock/Thinkstock When the weather outside is frightful, y

Salicylic Acid: Should It Be in Your Face Wash?

"Read the labels of your beauty products before buying!©ThinkstockHear the word "acid" and you may think of a corrosive

Skincare First: 8 Best Moisturizers for Acne Prone Skin

Sensitive, acne-prone skin can be a serious struggle. As someone who has dealt with acne and breakouts my whole life, I

Quick Tips: Are petroleum-based face creams good for sensitive skin?

" iStock/ThinkstockKeeping skin hydrated and moisturized is important for all skin types, especially when the weather is

7 Habits that Make OCD Worse & How to Cope

Imagine worrying whether or not you locked your door when you left home. While we all experience this concern from time
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