Should you put moisturizer or sunscreen on your face first?

" You've heard it all before. Together, moisturizer and sunscreen comprise the foundation of a wrinkle-preventin

Quick Tips: What’s the advantage of face cream with peptides?

"Juan Silva/Getty ImagesWhen it comes to anti-aging ingredients, retinols get the spotlight. But there are other ingredi

Quick Tips: When should you get a new moisturizer?

" Do you always wait until your skin-care product runs out before getting a new one? You might consider yourself

Is Vaseline good for dry skin?

"Vaseline can be used in a variety of skin-care products.©ThinkstockIf someone told you that a miracle skin cream exists

Quick Tips: Can the sun cure acne?

"©Stockbyte/ThinkstockWhether you're an adult or a teen, chances are, you've dealt with acne at some point in your life.

Quick Tips: Is it bad to sweat with makeup on?

"Can I cause a breakout by working out with my makeup on?iStockphoto/ThinkstockYou've got exactly an hour for your lunch

Can Eating Organic Help With the Appearance of Your Skin?

"If you eat enough vegetables, could your skin start to look better?Photo courtesy of DOH.SD.govIf you are what you eat,

Quick Tips: Will eating avocado really make my skin glow?

" with phytonutrients, avocados have become a darling of the diet world in recent years.

Will bangs make my forehead break out?

"I want bangs, but I'm worried they might make me break out. What should I do?ThinkstockYou've finally decided to take t

Quick Tips: Why is mud from the Dead Sea so good...

" KhoroshunovaIf Dead Sea mud was good enough for Cleopatra, then it's worth a try, right? Since anc
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