Quick Tips: Should you wash your face with warm or cold...

"When it comes too washing your face, you should aim to use water that's not too hot or too cold.©Brand X Pictures/Think

Salicylic Acid: Should It Be in Your Face Wash?

"Read the labels of your beauty products before buying!©ThinkstockHear the word "acid" and you may think of a corrosive

The Best and Worst Weather For Your Face

"Cold weather can help oily skin but may prove to be a problem for dry skin.Stockbyte/ThinkstockYou've probably noticed

8 Beginner Biohacking Tips for Women for Weight Loss and Health

Making significant improvements to your health and fitness can seem like an overwhelming task. However, biohacking is al

What is The Difference Between the Skin On Your Face and...

"Veer.com Your skin may cover your entire body, but its thickness varies, padding parts of your body more prone to wear

How to Get Rid of Dry Skin on Your Feet

"Getting rid of dry skin on your feet just requires a little TLC.©ThinkstockWe're hard on our feet, doing everything fro

Quick Tips: Can You Use Benzoyl Peroxide on Your Face?

"Before you dab benzoyl peroxide on your face or anywhere else on your body, there are a few things you should know.Dex

Is Vaseline good for dry skin?

"Vaseline can be used in a variety of skin-care products.©ThinkstockIf someone told you that a miracle skin cream exists

Dry and Itchy: 8 Dry Skin Remedies that Actually Work

Does dry, itchy skin have you feeling uncomfortable and irritated? Dry skin can be a serious pain, especially if you don

13 Witch Hazel Benefits and Uses You’ll Wish You Knew Sooner

If you’re not aware of the magic of witch hazel, you’re missing out on some serious health wisdom. Witch hazel benefits
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