Brows on Fleek: 14 Eyebrow Hacks Every Girl Should Know

Good eyebrows are always in style. Eyebrow trends change from year to year, but lately, the bigger and more lush, the be

Quick Tips: What do the best face creams have in common?

"The best face creams are noncomedogenic and fragrance-free iStock/ThinkstockStanding in the beauty aisle, it may be int

How to Look Younger: 8 Best Foundations for Aging Skin

The makeup you wear and how you apply it has a big impact on the look of your skin. When it comes to foundation, the goa

The Eyes Give You Away

As Friends’ Phoebe Buffay once said, “You need to do something about your eyes … there’s too much wisdom in there.” Well, we may not be trying to pass for 19, but there’s no two ways about it—the eyes

6 Natural Remedies for Wrinkles to Make You Look Younger

No one loves looking in the mirror and seeing new wrinkles on their face. Wrinkles and fine lines are one of the most pr

Beauty Series Part 1

It’s summertime, and the livin’ is easy—or it should be. Here are some simple strategies to enjoy the sunshine and keep your skin safe and beautiful. Eat your sunscreen…Your summer skin strategy shoul

Quick Tips: Should You Wash Your Face with Bleach?

"You want to put this on your face?(AP Photo/Paul Sakuma)Bleach can make your bathrooms spic and span, but can it do the

Probiotics for Skin Care

Like our morning egg, bacteria once endured a bad rap. And, for years, we were told to vigorously scrub off bacteria in the name of clear, luminous skin. Now, science suggests we might want to back aw

4 Changes You Need to Make to Your Skin Care in...

If there’s one thing 2020 taught me, it’s to never get too comfortable and always be flexible. That goes for skin care too. Often, we get used to our routine and don’t try new products, settling for l

7 Habits that Make OCD Worse & How to Cope

Imagine worrying whether or not you locked your door when you left home. While we all experience this concern from time
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