Beauty Essentials

Have you used essential oils in your skin care regimen lately? Tap into the wisdom of the ancients and learn the value of essential oils in helping to maintain your youthful and vibrant glow. For thou

The Eyes Give You Away

As Friends’ Phoebe Buffay once said, “You need to do something about your eyes … there’s too much wisdom in there.” Well, we may not be trying to pass for 19, but there’s no two ways about it—the eyes

The vegan skincare ingredients you need this summer

With long, sunny days to enjoy the great outdoors, summer can be the best of times for radiant health. But for your skin? It can be the worst of times. Basking in the hot sun or cooling off in air con

Dry and Oily: 8 Best Foundations for Combination Skin

While some people have dry skin and some people have oily skin, most people fall somewhere in between and have a mixture

Beauty Series Part 1

It’s summertime, and the livin’ is easy—or it should be. Here are some simple strategies to enjoy the sunshine and keep your skin safe and beautiful. Eat your sunscreen…Your summer skin strategy shoul

Bone Broth's Skin-Boosting Side Effects

After learning she could no longer consume gluten or dairy, Shari Regan overhauled her diet. While searching for healthy recipes, she discovered bone broth. Although the concept of bone broth is nothi

Water and Our Skin!

What does water have to do with skin? A ton, as it turns out! Our skin is awash in water—30 percent water, in fact—and keeping it there can help make our complexions healthy and happy. Water and our s

How to Grow Longer Eyelashes: 12 Tips for Beautiful Lashes

Have you always dreamed of longer, more luscious lashes? You’re definitely not alone. Long lashes create the illusion of

A Light Touch

How do you preserve your beauty routine during the hot, humid days of summer? Learn how to use light summer makeup to achieve a natural glow while also protecting your skin from the effects of the sun

8 Beginner Biohacking Tips for Women for Weight Loss and Health

Making significant improvements to your health and fitness can seem like an overwhelming task. However, biohacking is al
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