Forty and Fabulous! 16 Ways to Look Younger Naturally

If you want to knock 10 years off your look, this post is for you! From skincare and makeup tips, to haircuts and styles

8 Beginner Biohacking Tips for Women for Weight Loss and Health

Making significant improvements to your health and fitness can seem like an overwhelming task. However, biohacking is al

Testosterone Deficiency in Women: 10 Tips and Foods to Help

When you hear the word “testosterone”, you most likely think of a man. And you’d be right. Testosterone is most often th

7 Habits that Make OCD Worse & How to Cope

Imagine worrying whether or not you locked your door when you left home. While we all experience this concern from time

10 Common Parenting Mistakes To Avoid (And What To Do Instead) 

Raising a child is certainly no picnic. Indeed, it comes with many challenges and stressors, and tests your mental and p

How to Parent a Highly Sensitive Child: 10 Tips and Ideas 

Imagine leaving your home and feeling in-tune with everything occurring around you. Any sound, scent, or sight feels inc

8 Super Fun Board Games to Teach Kids About Money

If youre looking for board games you can use to teach kids about money at home and in the classroom, weve curated a list

Wakeup and Makeup: 7 Best Concealers for Dark Circles

Waking up to dark under eye circles isn’t the best way to start the day. Unfortunately it’s all too common after a night

How to Get Dramatic Lashes: 8 Best Mascaras for Volume and...

If you have naturally shorter lashes that need some TLC, a good mascara will make all the difference. It’s important to

How to Apply Makeup to Oily Skin: 11 Tips & Techniques

Dewy, glowing skin may be a hot skin care trend right now, but there’s a difference between donning a natural glow and h
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