Are There Bugs In Your Beauty Bag?

Beauty products containing probiotics have become ubiquitous on our natural health store shelves of late. It’s a burgeoning beauty trend that has many of us thinking about our skin’s microbiome. But w

How to Look Better on Zoom and FaceTime: 17 Tips

Working from home certainly has its perks, but video calls can leave you feelingblah. They say the camera adds 10 lbs, a

Personal Care From Nature

We take great care of our health by eating right, sleeping well, and exercising. But sometimes this care doesn’t extend to some of our everyday products. Here’s why we should pay more attention to the

Your Skin is Stressed Out

We’ve had a stressful go for the last little while, and most of us can see it when we look in the mirror. The skin is just as vulnerable to the ill effects of stress as any other part of the body. As

Best Foundations for Dry Skin: 10 Drugstore Products We Love

Each season has its own makeup and beauty challenges and unfortunately during winter, dry skin is at the top of the list

8 Super Fun Board Games to Teach Kids About Money

If youre looking for board games you can use to teach kids about money at home and in the classroom, weve curated a list

How to Look Younger: 8 Best Foundations for Aging Skin

The makeup you wear and how you apply it has a big impact on the look of your skin. When it comes to foundation, the goa

Pretty Healthy

How can you choose truly clean beauty products? Start by learning about preservatives, packaging, and pigments that could be hurting you—and then focus on better alternatives.Whether or not you enjoy

Bone Broth's Skin-Boosting Side Effects

After learning she could no longer consume gluten or dairy, Shari Regan overhauled her diet. While searching for healthy recipes, she discovered bone broth. Although the concept of bone broth is nothi

An ND explains the science of collagen

You’ve heard you should consume collagen daily, but have you heard of hydroxyproline? Hydroxyproline is at the heart of what makes collagen so important. Here’s why. Collagen is a structural protein.
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