Garden Hose Activities


“©Publications International, Ltd.

When summer heat hits, kids look for any way to cool down. Garden Hose Activities for Kids are great ways to beat the heat, especially if you’re far from a lake, beach, or swimming pool.

Kids should know that it’s a good idea to use an old hose for these activities — no matter how much fun they are, it’s best to recycle an old hose, rather than alter a brand new one.

Explore the garden hose activities for kids below. After everyone’s been soaked through, encourage your child to dream up other ways to use a garden hose to cool off this summer.

Hole-y Hose

This garden hose activity puts you and the hose into a kind of race. Learn how to make an old hose into a new game.

Water Sprayers

Sprinklers are fun, but homemade sprinklers are even better. Learn how to make homemade water sprayers.

Find out how to make an old hose into brand-new fun on the next page.

For more summer activities for kids:

  • Garden Activities for Kids
  • Summer Crafts
  • Kids’ Activities

Hole-y Hose

Ever get squirted by a hole in the garden hose? The Hole-y Hose activity is actually designed to provide the same level of wackiness and water — but this time, kids make it happen on purpose.

If your family has an old, leaky garden hose that’s got to go, don’t toss it until you try this crazy game.

What You’ll Need:

  • Old garden hose
  • Hammer
  • Nail
  • Duct tape
  • Stopwatch (optional)

Note: Adult help needed.

Step 1: Help your child use a hammer and a nail to sink holes every few inches down the length of the hose.

Step 2: Attach the hose to an ordinary water spigot and let ‘er rip.

Step 3: Your child’s assignment is to try and repair the hose with duct tape while water is gushing out of the holes. Kids can set a timer if they like to add another element of excitement to the game. Tell them to be prepared: It’s nearly impossible to properly duct-tape the holes shut, but it’s great fun giving the impossible a wet and wacky try.

NOTE: Make sure you put the nail and hammer away before the kids begin the game. The only thing you want punctured in this adventure is the hose, not bare feet, elbows, or knees.

On the next page, learn new ways kids can get wet when they create their own sprinkler.

For more summer activities for kids:

  • Garden Activities for Kids
  • Summer Crafts
  • Kids’ Activities

Water Sprayers

Sprinklers are even more fun when kids make their own.Sprinklers are even more fun when kids make their own.©Publications International, Ltd.

If it’s hot outside, these water sprayers will surely save the day. Running through a sprinkler on a hot day is a great way for kids to cool down, but it’s even more fun when they’ve made their own sprinklers.

If your home has enough hoses and faucets, you can set up several of these water sprayers (plus a few regular sprinklers) in your yard. Invite your child’s friends over for a water party — and be prepared for them all to get wet.

What You’ll Need:

  • Strong stake or old broomstick
  • Hammer
  • 18-inch length of rubber tubing
  • Hose and faucet
  • Old rubber glove
  • Tin can
  • Nail
  • String

Note: Adult help needed.

The following are several different Water Sprayer models. Create them all with your child’s help and find out which one cools them off best. Water whip: Drive a stake or an old broomstick into the ground. Take a piece of rubber tubing at least one-half inch in diameter and stretch one end over the end of a garden hose. Tie the hose to the stake so that the rubber tubing can flap freely at the top. Turn on the water, and adjust the height of the hose and the water pressure until the tubing waves around on its own, spraying water as it goes.Water hand: Poke holes in the fingertips of an old rubber glove, such as a dish-washing glove. Tie the cuff of the glove tightly over the end of a hose. Fasten the water hand to a stake so it sprays upright, or drape the hose over a tree branch to make a ‘handy’ shower.Tin can shower: Use a nail to punch holes around the bottom edge of a large tin can. Punch two more holes at the top and insert a string to hang the can from a branch. Fill the can with water. As water sprays out through the holes, the can will spin — and the kids will be soaked in no time.

For more summer activities for kids:

  • Garden Activities for Kids
  • Summer Crafts
  • Kids’ Activities

ABOUT THE CRAFT DESIGNERSContributing writers: Maria Birmingham, Karen E. Bledsoe, and Kelly Milner Halls.


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