Home Health Fitness 5-Minute, 5 Move Total Body Workout

5-Minute, 5 Move Total Body Workout


5-Minute, 5 Move Total Body Workout

Firm your abs, legs, butt and more with these pumped-up planks.

What: Plank. But better than plain plank. Trainer David Kirsch adds moves so you bonus-tone other body parts for an allover workout. Efficiency, up; boredom, down.

You’ll Need: A set of 5-pound weights

How: Do 3 sets of 12 reps of each multitasking move three times a week on alternate days.

Reach for It

reach for it plank

Start in a side plank, left palm on floor, a weight in right hand, right arm extended to ceiling (as shown). Rotate shoulders toward floor and reach right hand under body. Return to start for 1 rep. Do 12 reps. Switch sides; repeat.

Works shoulders, biceps, back, abs, obliques

Get a Leg Up

get a leg up plank

Start in a plank with a weight in each hand. Lift and extend right leg (as shown); pause, then draw right leg out to side. Pause. Reverse move. Repeat on opposite side for 1 rep. Do 12 reps.

Works shoulders, abs, butt, thighs

Arm Candy

arm candy plank

Start in a plank with a weight in right hand. Draw right hand to rib cage (as shown); pause, then extend right arm behind you. Reverse move for 1 rep. Do 12 reps. Switch sides; repeat.

Works shoulders, back, triceps, abs

On the Side

on the side plank

Start in a plank with a weight in right hand. Raise right arm out to side (as shown). Return to start for 1 rep. Do 12 reps. Switch sides; repeat.

Works shoulders, abs

Crunch Time

crunch time plank

Start in a side plank, left forearm on floor, a weight in right hand. Extend right elbow toward ceiling, palm above right ear. Keeping hips stacked, draw elbow toward floor (as shown). Pause; return to start for 1 rep. Do 12 reps. Switch sides; repeat.

Works shoulders, abs, obliques

Want to see these moves in action? Check out the video.

All photos courtesy of SELF.

—by Jaclyn Emerick


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