Home Health Fitness Your 15-Minute Remedy for Weak Knees

Your 15-Minute Remedy for Weak Knees


Your 15-Minute Remedy for Weak Knees

Help stabilize and protect your knees by strengthening and improving mobility in the muscles that surround and support the knees like the quadriceps, inner thighs, hamstrings, calves, glutes and even the muscles in your ankles and feet. Work barefoot for maximum muscle recruitment when you complete this 15-minute workout to help build a strong, supportive and flexible lower body. Completing these moves regularly can prevent future knee pain during your favorite daily activities or workouts.

All you’ll need for this workout is a sturdy chair and a small playground ball (you can also use a bunched-up towel in place of the ball; I’ll cue you on how to use it during the routine). We’ll target the muscles in your quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, thighs (inner and outer), hips, abs, ankles and feet with these moves:

  • Standing Straight Leg Extension Lifts
  • Ankle Circles
  • Seated Leg Extensions with Inner Thigh Squeeze
  • Static Squat Sit
  • Internal Rotation Leg Press
  • Single Leg Balance
  • Hip Internal Rotation Squeeze
  • Bridge with Inner Thigh Pulse
  • Hamstring Ball Roll Out (or Toe Tap), option to add Single Leg Bridge
  • Standing Quadriceps Stretch or Side Lying Quadriceps Stretch

Of course, not all exercises are suitable for everyone. If you are working with a specific knee injury, be sure to get your doctor’s and/or physical therapist’s approval before attempting this workout. If you suffer from knee pain regularly, be sure to consult a professional for an expert diagnosis.

Like this workout? Be sure to check out our professionally produced low-impact program, the “Walk On: 21 Day Weight Loss Plan.” It’s the burpee, push-up and squat thrust-free way to lose weight and feel great!  

Oh, and be sure to keep an eye out for my “workout” partner, my puppy Peanut, in this video. (Do you work out with your pets at home, too?)

Did you try the moves? Let me know which one was your favorite in the comments below.


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