8 Food Poisoning Remedies to Help You Feel Better Sooner


8 Food Poisoning Remedies that Work! | Is it a stomach bug or food poisoning? This post outlines the signs and symptoms of food poisoning, common causes to help ensure you never go through it again, and tons of natural treatments and home remedies for kids and adults to help you feel better ASAP! From activated charcoal, to the BRAT diet, to soothing teas and drinks, to essential oils and apple cider vinegar, these DIY treatments for food poisoning are just what you need!

Anyone who has had food poisoning knows just how unpleasant it can be. Accompanied by symptoms like stomach cramps, nausea and vomiting, it can feel like a horrible stomach bug rearing its ugly head. The thing about food poisoning is you have to ride it out. Symptoms can last a few hours to several days, but fortunately there are food poisoning remedies to help you feel better sooner!

What is Food Poisoning?

Food poisoning is a result of eating contaminated, spoiled or toxic food. It’s relatively common and almost everyone will experience food poisoning at some point in their life, if not multiple times. After you swallow a contaminated food or drink, it can take a few hours or even days to develop symptoms. If you experience symptoms such as diarrhea or vomiting, drinking plenty of water and fluids will help prevent dehydration.

What Causes Food Poisoning?

Food poisoning is caused by eating contaminated food. This happens when pathogens, bacteria or viruses enter the body through food that has spoiled, been unhygienically prepared, or contaminated in any other way. Bacteria can grow rapidly when a range of foods, including meats, dairy products and sauces are not kept at the right temperature. Bacteria and other harmful organisms produce poisonous substances that can cause inflammation of the intestine when eaten. Contamination can also occur if raw meat is not handled or cooked properly.

7 Food Poisoning Symptoms

Food poisoning symptoms can range from very mild to very serious and can differ depending on the germ you consumed. The most common symptoms of food poisoning are:

1. Upset stomach
2. Stomach cramps
3. Nausea
4. Vomiting
5. Diarrhea
6. Fever
7. Muscle and joint aches

Food Poisoning or Stomach Bug?

A stomach bug, also known as viral gastroenteritis, is a viral infection that attacks the digestive system. It spreads through eating foods or drinking liquids contaminated with the virus or having direct or indirect mouth contact with an infected person or surface with the virus on it. Most people develop stomach bug symptoms within 24 to 72 hours of exposure to a virus.

Food poisoning and the stomach bug cause similar symptoms (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramping), so the main ways to tell the difference is by food and timing of symptoms. If you develop symptoms within a few hours of eating, it’s almost certainly food poisoning. Try to identify the food that caused your symptoms, such as improperly cooked meat, food with bad odour or street food. If other people who ate the same food are sick, it can be easier to figure out where it came from.

When to Seek Help

If you have any of the below symptoms, you should see a healthcare provider as soon as possible:

1. Bloody diarrhea
2. Fever over 102 degrees Fahrenheit (measured in your mouth)
3. Frequent vomiting that prevents you from keeping liquids down (which can lead to dehydration)
4. Signs of dehydration such as little to no urination, a very dry mouth or throat, or feeling dizzy when standing up
5. Diarrhea that lasts more than 3 days
6. Blurry or double vision

8 Food Poisoning Remedies

1. Let Your Stomach Settle
It’s important to first allow your stomach to rest after experiencing symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea and an upset stomach. It’s recommended to avoid food and drink altogether for a few hours once your symptoms subside.

2. Hydration is Key
Since you’re losing liquid through symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea, it’s important to keep yourself hydrated so you don’t develop dehydration. Liquid intake is crucial for combating food poisoning effects, so sucking on ice chips or taking small sips of water is a good place to start. Drinking sports drinks that contain electrolytes is a great way to keep dehydration at bay. Other liquids that are helpful to drink are ginger ale, decaffeinated tea and chicken or vegetable broth.

3. Eat Bland Foods
After experiencing food poisoning, the last thing you should (or will want to) do is eat anything rich. When you feel like you’ll be able to hold down food, eat foods that are gentle on your stomach. Bland, low fat foods are ideal. Think: Bananas, oatmeal, Jell-o, saltines and toast. Fat is harder for your stomach to digest, so avoid fatty foods until you’re feeling better.

4. Ginger Tea
Ginger is known to be an incredible stomach soother, aiding in digestion and reducing nausea. Drinking a cup of ginger tea can help relieve your food poisoning symptoms such as nausea and vomiting as well as help soothe your stomach.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is one of the best remedies for combating food poisoning due to its alkaline effect. The alkaline effect of ACV reduces acidity in your stomach and can help relieve food poisoning symptoms. Mix 2-3 teaspoons of ACV in a cup of water to dilute it or even mix it in with some juice if the taste is too strong.

6. Lemon
Lemon is another good treatment for food poisoning. It has strong anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antibacterial properties that can kill the bacteria that caused the toxic food. Squeeze the juice of a lemon into hot water for a calming lemon tea, and you can even go double duty by adding some ginger in as well.

7. Bananas
Bananas are a great food for soothing your stomach. Rich in potassium and fibre, bananas are a quick, healthy remedy for food poisoning. It’s important to replenish the nutrients you’ve lost after bouts of vomiting or diarrhea and bananas are a good way to get started.

8. Avoid Certain Food and Drink
Avoid food and drink that are tough on the stomach and may prevent you from feeling better. These include alcohol, caffeinated drinks such as coffee, tea, soda and energy drinks, spicy foods, dairy products, fatty and fried foods, nicotine, seasoned foods and fruit juices.

Try these remedies if you experience food poisoning to help you feel better as soon as possible!


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